Test Gallery

Click on a photo to see more!

The Westfield

The Stratford

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Santo-Home-NLH.1.jpg

Classic Country Charm

Koeppel_Classic_Country_Charm - Koeppel-Hero-Shots-.jpg

Horse Country Home

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Forge-exterior-1.jpg

The Brookfield (Modified)

Brookfield_Field_&_Stream - Brookfield-front-Better-Color.jpg

Kentucky Home

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Homerama-Ext.jpg

The Regal (Modified)

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Regal-Roberts-2.jpg

The Kentuckean (Modified)

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Dilorenzo.jpg

Craftsman Style

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - MgGarrigle-Hero-Shots-.jpg

The Westfield 2 (Modified)

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Brown-14.jpg

Maine Coastal Style

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - Holt-Hero-Shots-013.jpg

Farm Living Gambrel

Evenly_Cropped_Gallery_Pics - 2865006-R1-E001.jpg


“We have total and complete love and satisfaction for our log home!”